Faith,  Marriage

Let’s Talk About Marriage

One of the reasons I started this blog back in 2020 was to speak candidly about motherhood, family, and marriage. Society pressures us to have spotless homes, perfectly behaved children, and easy marriages. But, that’s not realistic!

The truth is: many couples struggle in silence because they fear judgment from others. We heard the advice from couples who were married 30+ years, and they told us how to have a problem-free marriage.

Here’s some of the things we were told:

  1. “A man’s stomach is the way to his heart”
  2. “A man’s house is a reflection of the woman he is with”
  3. “Don’t let your weight get out of control”
  4. “Have date night every week”
  5. “Don’t go to bed angry”

Do any of these sound familiar?

Our Story

While this advice is well-intentioned, these things do not guarantee a problem-free marriage. A few years ago, my husband and I went through a rough season. We did not tell many people, but we were on the brink of separation/divorce. I’m pretty sure it was our 5th year marriage. Chris and I were at odds, barely speaking, sleeping in separate rooms, and we tossed the divorce word around often. I cried constantly, and I remember feeling so alone. Whenever I would go on social media, I remember feeling like everyone else was so happy, while we struggled. I became depressed and had to take a mental break from all social media to avoid comparing my marriage to others.

We were over marriage! Pictured: Our daughter, Christina!

Honestly, it took a lot of prayer, patience, and communication to get in a better space. Thankfully, we are so much better. God has restored our marriage and has given us a new love and passion for one another. It wasn’t easy, but we are living proof that God can create beauty from ashes.

Why am I writing about this?

Because I believe there are many couples out there who are struggling in silence. Maybe a little honesty, encouragement, and prayer might help them get to a better space. Many feel like they are on an island while going through difficult seasons, but I’m hoping transparency will help them feel like they are not alone.

I hope you guys don’t mind it, but I will be blogging more about marriage. Yes, it involves vulnerability, but I’m hoping that my transparency will help bless others.

The Truth about Marriage

The reality is: Marriage is not easy. And NO ONE has the perfect marriage.

Every marriage will be tested, but I’m hoping this will inspire some couples not to give up too soon. Maybe there is still hope. God can restore!

