Mom Check-In? Surviving Summer Break
Hi mama! Summer is winding down. Just wanted to do a quick check-in. ,I know you are busy chasing after kids, making 3 square meals a day, juggling summer activities, dealing with meltdowns, and constantly cleaning and picking up toys. I know…it’s ALOT!! No one prepared you for this. There is no instructional manual on how to parent kids, but summer is almost over! Praise God! If your family is anything like mine, I imagine your kids are eating loads of snacks, destroying your house, watching television and iPads constantly, drinking more juice than normal, skipping naptime, and staying up late. Am I right? lol (FYI: For all the Type A personality moms, spare us…
Discouragement as a Christian
Have you ever found yourself sad or feeling like you lost your fight? Maybe you went through a breakup, a miscarriage, or financial hardship. Maybe you were just getting on your feet after 2020 economic fallout, and then 2022 hits. The economy flips, rates double, and now you find yourself struggling to buy groceries for your family. In an instant, it feels like you went from being able to save and make financial plans for your future to struggling and barely getting by. This can be discouraging. Is this your story? No. Maybe you’re the mom who is struggling to find her purpose. You’ve given the last 5 years of life pouring everything into your small…
Let’s Talk About Marriage
One of the reasons I started this blog back in 2020 was to speak candidly about motherhood, family, and marriage. Society pressures us to have spotless homes, perfectly behaved children, and easy marriages. But, that’s not realistic! The truth is: many couples struggle in silence because they fear judgment from others. We heard the advice from couples who were married 30+ years, and they told us how to have a problem-free marriage. Do any of these sound familiar? Our Story While this advice is well-intentioned, these things do not guarantee a problem-free marriage. A few years ago, my husband and I went through a rough season. We did not tell many people, but we were…
Happy New Year
2023 is here!!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating a brand new year!! I love fresh starts and new beginnings. I know many people do not make New Year’s Resolutions anymore, but I’m believing God for BIG Goals! Here are some of mine: These are not all of my goals, but they will not be easy to accomplish. Quick Question: What are your goals for 2023? How do you plan to make it happen?
2022 Wrap Up
This year flew by!! How are we at the end? We are setting BIG Goals for 2023!! But first, I like to take some time to self reflect. Here are some things I learned from 2022: 2022 was a good year. I finished grad school, started a new career in mortgage industry, and started back working full time. 2022 was also a year that I struggled with my mental health. I second guessed myself constantly. I wondered “Am I doing the right thing?” “Am I capable? “How would it look if I?” or “I’m not sure if that will align”. These thoughts drove me crazy! I realize now that life is too short to be…
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!! I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Why wasn’t I invited over? lol Just Kidding! We spent Christmas at home this year. Usually, we travel to visit family, but we stayed in and celebrated together as a family. In my home, we are Christians, so we start by reading the Bible story of the birth of Jesus. Afterwards, we open presents and eat breakfast. A few days before Christmas (literally 2 days before), we decided to take last minute Christmas photos. Pictures usually stress me out, especially since my 4 year decided that he hates taking pictures. But we decided to do it last minute, since pictures…
Welcome back!!
Welcome back to my new blog site!! I’m so happy you stopped by. I am Deean (pronounced DeAnn) Wallace. Welcome back to my blog site! It’s been a minute! Last time I wrote a blog post, it was back in 2020. That’s how bad I neglected my site. Now, that’s it back and running, I have so much to say. Since my last post, I’ve had another baby, entered into a new career, and grown so much as a person. I work as a mortgage loan officer by day, and I am a creative and a mom trying to figure it out by night. I started this journey while at mom with my kids during…