• Faith,  Motherhood,  Work LIfe

    Discouragement as a Christian

    Have you ever found yourself sad or feeling like you lost your fight? Maybe you went through a breakup, a miscarriage, or financial hardship. Maybe you were just getting on your feet after 2020 economic fallout, and then 2022 hits. The economy flips, rates double,  and now you find yourself struggling to buy groceries for your family. In an instant, it feels like you went from being able to save and make financial plans for your future to struggling and barely getting by. This can be discouraging. Is this your story? No. Maybe you’re the mom who is struggling to find her purpose. You’ve given the last 5 years of life pouring everything into your small…

  • Faith,  Marriage

    Let’s Talk About Marriage

    One of the reasons I started this blog back in 2020 was to speak candidly about motherhood, family, and marriage. Society pressures us to have spotless homes, perfectly behaved children, and easy marriages. But, that’s not realistic! The truth is: many couples struggle in silence because they fear judgment from others. We heard the advice from couples who were married 30+ years, and they told us how to have a problem-free marriage. Do any of these sound familiar? Our Story While this advice is well-intentioned, these things do not guarantee a problem-free marriage. A few years ago, my husband and I went through a rough season. We did not tell many people, but we were…