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Mom Check-In? Surviving Summer Break

Hi mama! Summer is winding down. Just wanted to do a quick check-in. ,I know you are busy chasing after kids, making 3 square meals a day, juggling summer activities, dealing with meltdowns, and constantly cleaning and picking up toys. I know…it’s ALOT!! No one prepared you for this. There is no instructional manual on how to parent kids, but summer is almost over! Praise God!

If your family is anything like mine, I imagine your kids are eating loads of snacks, destroying your house, watching television and iPads constantly, drinking more juice than normal, skipping naptime, and staying up late. Am I right? lol (FYI: For all the Type A personality moms, spare us your judgment. We know you have a perfectly planned summer and your kids on a time schedule, but many of us are hanging on by a thread. So, if giving the toddler a cup of juice will prevent a meltdown, then…you know the rest! lol) But, I know from personal experience that we can get so wrapped up in taking care of our babies, that can put ourselves on the backburner.

So, let’s do a quick mama check in:

-Just in case no one has asked…How are you?

-How are you holding up this summer break?

-Are you taking care of your mental health?

-When was the last time you did something…just for you? (A walk, working out, journaling, reading a book, a dance class, etc.)

-Are you carving out a few minutes just for you?

-Are you getting adequate sleep?

I am learning that self-care is not selfish. Have you heard this before? Honestly, I used to roll my eyes whenever someone would say this. Many of the social media influencers show themselves on a lavish month long international vacation with nannies watching their kids. While this sounds like a great life, my life doesn’t look like this…at all! So, let me tell you that self-care can consist of taking a bubble bath once the kids are down. It can include reading a new book, prioritizing your health and working out consistently, or buying yourself a new dress. Self-care is not a one-size fits all. It is simply showing up for yourself, so that you can be a better mom for your children.

So, how are you?

Are you prioritizing self-care?

If not, you still have time to start. Will you commit to carving out a few moments just for you? Summer is almost over. But for your mental health, please carve out some time for you.

I’m rooting for you mama!

